

Top experts is a proud Exclusive Business Partner of Kx systems (
• Founded in 1993
• Private Company
• Offices in North America, Europe & Asia
• 100+ customers, many thousands of users

The use of this technology, Kdb+, which is the database platform of choice in investment banking – ensures unrivalled system performance and stability.
Technology is described as an integrated columnar database and programming system w low-latency processing of streaming, real-time and historical data.

The efficiency usability keys:

  • Streaming, real-time a historical data in one platform
  • Running on Linux, Solaris, Windows & OS X
  • Very fast bulk loading of flat files
  • Native true 64bit database
  • Runs on commodity hardware
  • Multi-Core / Multi-Proc / Multi-Threading / Multi-Server
  • Compression (IPC & on-disk)
  • Built-In Map/Reduce

Kdb+ is the fastest analytical database solution in the market factoring columnar store for optimal search and join performance, analysing Time-Series Primitives and leveraging on In-Database Analytics.


STAC benchmarks

Kdb+ is up to 8x faster than any previous STAC M3 benchmarks

Download STAC Report
We offer solutions based on Kx technology, and a comprehensive range of services, including training and development services.
Our specialist and technical expertise complements the Kx technology (kdb+). Its robust database platform is optimized for processing large quantities of data (real-time and historic) as well as for data analysis with unlimited scalability and performance.